P-PER Plant Protein Extraction Reagent

P-PER Plant Protein Extraction Reagent


The Thermo Scientific P-PER Plant Protein Extraction Kit effectively extracts protein from all kinds of dry and fresh plant tissue without liquid nitrogen.

Features of the P-PER Plant Protein Extraction Kit:

• Versatile—works with multiple plant organs (leaf, stem, root, seed and flowers); multiple plant species (Arabidopsis, tobacco, maize, soybeans, peas, spinach and other plant tissues); and fresh, frozen and dehydrated plant tissues
• Convenient—requires no liquid nitrogen/freeze-grinding, Dounce homogenization, blade-shearing or glass-bead agitation for cell disruption; however, the P-PER Kit is compatible with these alternative mechanical aids
• Compatible—downstream applications include 1-D and 2-D gel electrophoresis, Western blotting, activity assays, and protein affinity purifications
• Quantifiable—P-PER Kit extracts can be quantified using the BCA Protein Assay Kit, Reducing Agent Compatible (Part No. 23250)
• Ready-to-use—protein extract does not require filtration through cheesecloth or Miracloth, unlike homebrews
• Fast—perform plant cell lysis and protein extraction in 10 minutes
• Recovers active protein—assays show extracted proteins are functional

The P-PER Kit includes an organic lysing reagent and two aqueous reagents that effectively lyse plant cells and solubilize protein without harsh mechanical lysis aids, such as a mortar and pestle. Plant protein extracts are prepared in just 10 minutes, and protein yields exceed conventional extraction methods (e.g., freeze/grinding in liquid nitrogen) and other commercially available plant protein extraction reagents. The resulting protein extracts are compatible with a variety of downstream applications including the Thermo Scientific BCA Protein Assay Kit - Reducing Agent Compatible (Part No. 23250), 1D and 2D gel electrophoresis, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, activity assays and protein purification.


  1. Reagent Type:     Cell Lysis Buffer, Detergent Solution, Tissue Extraction Buffer
  2. Form:     Kit, Liquid
  3. Product Line:     P-PER™
  4. Product Size:     40 mL

Contents & storage

  • Upon receipt store at room temperature.

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